Lao Cong Mi Lan Xiang 2022
Lao Cong Mi Lan Xiang 2022
Lao Cong Mi Lan Xiang 2022
Lao Cong Mi Lan Xiang 2022

Old bushes Mi Lan Xiang 2022


An exotic, fragrant tea with honey and fruit. Nothing like it, a true rarity and a speciality. It's hard to talk about, you have to taste it, let the tea do the talking.

Old bushed (lao song) Mi Lan Xiang 2022 米蘭香 - Honey-orchid dancong oolong tea

The tea was harvested from nearly 100-year-old tea bushes on 28 March 2022. The village of Li Zhi Ping lies at an altitude of about 1200 metres, where the tea bushes can grow in ideal conditions. The constant filtered sunlight and humidity, as well as the rocky soil, produce exceptional teas.

Traditionally roasted tea is made over Lichi charcoal at low temperatures but for a long period of time. According to the producer, this corresponds to a "medium-medium" degree of roasting.

The processing level of the tea leaves is in the ideal range, which means that about 30% of the leaves are reddish-reddish - oxidized, and 70% have a greenish tint. This is the oxidation level for dancong oolongs. No matter how long you steep this tea, it will never be bitter thanks to this and the excellent base material.

An extremely rich tea, honeyed, sweet, pleasantly astringent, complex, exotic floral fragrance with a recurring "shan yun 山韵" character that only outstanding dancong oolongs have. It is similar to the "yan yun" character used in wuyi oolongs, translated as "energy" rock rhyme, the term used to describe the cultivar flavor profile in the tea.

The power of the old plant is quite outstanding in this tea, so I recommend that if you are a lover of dancong oolongs or are looking for something really special, you should definitely try it and save some for the future. As the months and years go by, this tea will only get sweeter.

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