Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabou
Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabou
Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabou
Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabou
Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabou
Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabou
Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabou
Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabou
Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabou
Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabou
Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabou
Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabou
Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabou
Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabou

Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabou 45 gr


Origin: Miyazaki, Kyushu, Japan
Manufacturer: Miyazaki Sabou
Features:Semi-fermented and roasted Japanese oolong tea, JAS-BIO certified and winner of the platinum award at the Nihoncha Tea Competition 2021.
Preparation Method: With 7 grams of tea, use water at 90-95 °C with a fixed residue not exceeding 50 mg/ liter. Make infusions of 30 seconds. After the first infusions, it is recommended to gradually increase their duration and water temperature. The most important thing in the preparation is the use of good quality water and fineness of your movements.

Store it tightly closed in the refrigerator at 5°C!

If you don't have the right accessories for preparing your tea, visit our online store.
Net weight: 45 gr

Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabou

50g pack
Vacuum packaging helps preserve the freshness and properties of Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabo

Japan today is known for its green teas, although until a few decades ago it was still the country of black teas and, of course, a range of specialty teas. Japan is very attracted to the tea tradition of mainland Asia, let us not forget the unbreakable ties that bind the country to Taiwan, China, and Korea. This demand of the Japanese is met and served by Miyazaki Sabo with its specialty teas, as well as this turquoise oolong tea.

Miyazaki Sabou

Miyazaki Sabou's plantations are located at an altitude of 600-700 m near Miyazaki, Kyushu, near Mount Aso, Japan's largest active volcano. The company obtained the JAS, BIO certificate in 2001 offering tea of the highest purity ever since.

By not using a single drop of pesticides/fertilizers, we avoid putting nature under stress. Instead, we are able to bring out the true characteristics of the tea, a true "mountain tea" that transports you to the fields. It has a delicate sweetness that lingers in the mouth and a distinctive aroma. By growing many varieties of tea, we also protect native species that have a flavor truly unique to this field and soil.

kamairi tea oolong bio jas miyazaki sabo
Miyazaki Sabou's organic planting
kamairi tea oolong bio jas miyazaki sabo
Leaf roasting

kamairi tea oolong bio jas miyazaki sabo

Features of Kamairi oolong BIO

Kamairi oolong BIO contains enough catechin and other polyphenols to produce a wide variety of flavors, in fact the tea is very fragrant and balsamic, with a dense, unctuous and uniform texture. This balanced flavor immediately extends in the mouth and leaves us uncertain as to what we are really up against. We get memories of different oolongs, but this one is different--different from Taiwanese oolongs, it has no iron notes, there is room only for elegance. A hardy tea with which many infusions can be made. Nothing is questioned, but the mountains of Wuyi continue to rise there on the edge of the horizon...

Miyazaki Sabou's Kamairi Oolong BIO won the platinum award at the Nihoncha Tea Competition 2021.

Net weight: 45 gr

Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabo

Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabo
After the infusion, the leaves open

Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabo Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabo Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabo Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabo Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabo Kamairi oolong BIO - Miyazaki Sabo

We also recommend that you try the Japanese black tea, prepared with great care also by Miyazaki Sabou.




Miyazaki, Kyushu
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