Box of the Emperor (own ingredients)
Box of the Emperor (own ingredients)

The Emperor's Chest

Thee van Sander

Case of the Emperor is a popular blend with the body of an Assam tea, the aroma of a Ceylon and the smokiness of a Lapsang Souchong.

In my time as the owner of a tea store, a surprising number of people came asking for "Case of the Emperor. I did not know this tea but delved into it. I purchased it from a wholesaler after which I did understand what appealed to people about Casket of the Emperor, a black tea with an edge of smokiness from the Lapsang Souchong. However, I didn't like that version myself and when I had all the ingredients loose in the house I started mixing it myself.

Case of the Emperor consists of:

  • Assam Bukhail, a nice fine-leafed mild tea from Assam
  • Ceylon OP, a mild black tea with lots of aroma from Sri Lanka
  • Lapsang Souchong, a nice version with just the right amount of smokiness without bitterness

Together it gives a smooth, aromatic blend with that nice edge of smokiness.

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