721 China Guo Gan Gushu Ancient Wild Tree Raw Pu Er cake 2019
721 China Guo Gan Gushu Ancient Wild Tree Raw Pu Er cake 2019
721 China Guo Gan Gushu Ancient Wild Tree Raw Pu Er cake 2019
721 China Guo Gan Gushu Ancient Wild Tree Raw Pu Er cake 2019
721 China Guo Gan Gushu Ancient Wild Tree Raw Pu Er cake 2019
721 China Guo Gan Gushu Ancient Wild Tree Raw Pu Er cake 2019

721 China Guo Gan Gushu Ancient Wild Tree Raw Pu Er cake 2019

Tea in Motion

Complex and smooth...

This cake is made from only tea, picked in the spring from wild trees. This gives the tea a fresh character and a nice complexity. The tea is still young, but you already notice the smoothness and complexity that will increase over the years.

This tea grows in a very mountainous area. Luo Gan is located on a high plateau with a humid monsoon climate.There are many other plant species growing among the tea trees which creates a biodiversity climate making it difficult/no opportunities for diseases. This area lies between 3 large dams, so also 3 rivers which made this a good area to plant many tea plants. Because of its location, this has become an area where high quality tea comes from. These tea trees are of the subtropical large-leaved species (DaYe)

  • Origin: China
  • Region: Yunnan, Gong Zhang Ancient Tea Area
  • Height: 1580 Meters
  • Cultivar: Yunnan large-leaf tea bush species (100-300 years old Gushu)
  • Picked: 1 Bud and 1 or 2 leaves
  • Harvest period: April 25, 2019
  • Harvested: November 9, 2019
  • Infusion: Bright yellow
  • Aroma: Floral, honeyed, molasses, spicy
  • Flavor: Soft, sweet, slightly astringent
  • Body: Medium
  • Gradation: High End
  • Caffeinated: Yes
  • Organic: No, grows in a bio diverse area where no soil conditioners or pesticides need to be used


12 grams, 1 liter of soft water, 100 degrees, 2 minutes steeping

Chinese Gong Fu Cha: 8g tea, 120 ml soft water, 5 seconds wash: 13 infusions: 10s, 15s, 20s, 25s, 30s, 35s, 40s, 55s,
70s, 90s, 120s, 150s, 180s

Cake weighs 100 grams

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