140 Malawi Satemwa Needles
140 Malawi Satemwa Needles
140 Malawi Satemwa Needles
140 Malawi Satemwa Needles
140 Malawi Satemwa Needles

140 Malawi Satemwa Needles

Tea in Motion

The most fragile tea leaves from the high plains of Malawi with various colors of silver, soft green and amber.

Rounding Mount Mulanje, which is about 3,000m high, bright green tea gardens stretch to the border with Mozambique. The greatest tea production is in the wet season from December to April.

In the dry season from May to November, much smaller quantities and leaves are picked and farmers pay more attention to production and handling, yielding higher qualities of tea.

These Needles are pointed and twisted like Kudu horns, one of the most beautiful animals in Malawi (in my opinion...) With an aroma of light cedar and hay, this becomes a golden yellow infusion that begs to be poured, several times over. In the process, scents of sweet stone fruits emerge and the taste becomes sweeter.

Read my blog about Malawi here

  • Origin: Malawi
  • Region: Thyolo
  • High altitude: 1200 meters
  • Harvest period: December-January
  • Infusion: yellow gold
  • Flavor: hay, cedar, later apricot
  • Caffeinated: Yes
  • Organic: No, not yet. However, pesticide-free processed


12 grams | 1 liter soft water | 65-80℃ | 2-4 minutes

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