Haiwan mini toucha Shu Puerh
Haiwan mini toucha Shu Puerh
Haiwan mini toucha Shu Puerh

Haiwan mini toucha Shu Puerh


Origin: Annin, Yunnan, China

Manufacturer: Haiwan Tea Factory

Year of Production: 2010

Features: mini toucha of Shu Puerh, each piece is about 6 grams

Preparation Method:Use a mini toucha (about 6 grams of tea), water with low fixed residue at 100 orC and a teapot/gaiwan of 150-200 ml capacity.

Make two quick infusions of 1-2 seconds to “wash” the tea, these infusions are not to be drunk. After that make infusions by managing their duration according to your taste, all by using increasingly hot water and increasing the duration of the infusions each time.

Store in a cool place away from sunlight and extraneous odors. With proper storage, it will maintain its quality for decades.

If you need accessories to prepare your Puerh, visit our online store.

Haiwan mini toucha Shu Puerh

This Haiwan mini toucha Shu Puerh is The success of Haiwan Tea Factory. It is so successful that it is no longer available in the market, we sell the last kilos of it. Its progeny will be in cube form, a slightly fermented shu.

A Puerh for when we are in a hurry and need an energetic boost. Before an exam, during work, on a difficult day and in so many other cases, this mini toucha can be our salvation. It helps with concentration, wakes us up and gives us strength when we need it most, in short, it is a little treasure.

With a Haiwan mini toucha Shu Puerh weighing about 6 grams, you can make small and quick infusions using up to 1.5 l of water. We, although it may seem like sacrilege, occasionally add ginger or cinnamon to it.

Puerh Mini Toucha

Preparation of Puerh Mini Toucha

Use a mini toucha (about 6 grams of tea), water with low fixed residue at 100 orC and a teapot/gaiwan of 150-200 ml capacity.

Make two quick infusions of 1-2 seconds to "wash" the tea, these infusions are not drinkable. After that, make infusions by managing their duration according to your taste, all using increasingly hot water and increasing the duration of the infusions each time.

Store in a cool place away from sunlight and extraneous odors. With proper storage, it will maintain its quality for decades. If you need accessories to prepare your Puerh, please visit our online store.


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