Asamiya Sencha
Asamiya Sencha
Asamiya Sencha
Asamiya Sencha
Asamiya Sencha
Asamiya Sencha

Asamiya Sencha 100 gr

Origin: Asamiya, Shiga, Japan
Manufacturer: Seiseido
Features:Premium sencha from the Asamiya Mountains
Preparation method: use 7-8 grams of product and minimally mineralized water, with fixed residue not exceeding 50 mg/l, at 75 °C and a preheated teapot of small volume (150-250 ml).
Prepare1-minute infusions, three of which will give you richly flavored infusions, while subsequent ones will be milder and sweeter. As you go through the infusions use increasingly hot water until you reach a temperature of 90-95°C. In summer we recommend its consumption with ice water!
After opening, store tightly sealed in the refrigerator at a temperature of 5°C.
If you do not have the right tools to brew your own Sencha, you can choose from our teapots and cups and take a look at the sets available.
Preferably consumed by: 01.10.2024

Asamiya Sencha - Morning Dew

Asamiya Sencha - Morning Dew Japanese Green Tea

Sencha of high purity from the mountains of Asamiya. Asamiya 朝宮茶 - is the oldest tea region in Japan and holds a centuries-old tradition. It is here that some of the best green teas in all of Japan are born. They are teas, these, with a strong identity and unique characteristics.

Preferably consumed by: 01.10.2024


High quality, light taste, refined, clean, friendly price, perhaps the best value for money on the market. A true prodigy from the always excellent manufacturer Seiseido.

コク味 koku = taste ○○●○○○○ さっり sappari = freshness

あまみ umami = savory ○○○●○○○ 渋み shibumi = sourness

Asamiya Sencha - Morning Dew Japanese Green Tea

In summer we recommend its consumption with ice water!

After opening and use, keep tightly closed in the refrigerator at 5°C.

Asamiya Sencha - Morning Dew Japanese Green Tea4

Production Area

The Asamiya tea area was already a popular tea production area even in the golden age of Japanese tea. If you would like to learn more about Seiseido and the area where its teas are produced, read our article!

Asamiya Sencha - Morning Dew Japanese Green Tea

Unlike other regions, farmers do not cut down or replace dead shrubs. Instead, they prune and replant. Hence the impressive root system. Heavy snow has taught trees resilience and hibernation. Here, instead of new varieties and modern tea cultivation in the grip of productivity fever, traditional, often improvised methods are supplemented by the sustainable conditions of organic farming. Only natural nutrients and soil regeneration supplements, rice straw, soybean and canola are used. In contrast to the widespread use of camouflage nets, traditional shading is still used here, not to mention Asamiya's famous natural Kabusecha, which are grown essentially without artificial shading, in naturally shaded valleys, conditions these that give the tea a soft, natural and much milder flavor than usual.

The tea plantations are located amidst greenery, far from freeways, at an altitude of 450-500 m, with fresh air and very clean water. If there is a paradise for tea, surely these gardens are it. These small producers do not rely on the massive tea trade; there is a real treasure trove hidden in this territory. Being small, does not mean being less important, on the contrary. These producers are, as we have already mentioned, award-winning for their professional skills that they have passed down from generation to generation. Among them, there is no rush to obtain BIO certificates, which are expensive and insignificant to them. The area in Japan is renowned for its virginity, the wholesomeness of its air, land and water, so, already the area is an example of tea quality and purity. Small producers in these areas, basically, do not aim for foreign markets; they do not need them. The quantity of the tea available annually is limited, so we are extremely proud to be able to offer products from this area, renowned throughout Japan and beyond, in our online store.

We strive to create tea with great care, from soil preparation to tea production, using methods as close to nature as possible, remembering the days when our ancestors were in a lake region filled with green tea leaves. We will continue to protect the flavor and aroma of Omi tea, with the skills and passion we have accumulated since our founding.


The name Seiseido represents all the traditional ecological tea producers in an area where nature is not only respected, but is the protagonist.

Asamiya, Shiga
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