Organic Chill & Relax Herbal Tea image
Organic Chill & Relax Herbal Tea image
Organic Chill & Relax Herbal Tea image
Organic Chill & Relax Herbal Tea image
Organic Chill & Relax Herbal Tea image

Organic Chill & Relax Herbal Tea


Herbal teas are often consumed for their properties: soothing, healing, protective and revitalizing among others. A well-chosen herbal tea consumed according to the rules can represent a real benefit for the body and for the improvement of several important physiological functions. Chill & Relax herbal tea is an organically grown infusion with potentially significant benefits for the body. What is the composition of this herbal tea? What are its main health benefits, and how should it be prepared for maximum enjoyment?

Why choose an organic herbal tea for your daily consumption?

As with many foods, organic is once again highly recommended in the case of herbal teas. Whether it's vitamins of all kinds or minerals, herbal teas facilitate the absorption of the nutrients and other substances they contain. Opting for herbal teas containing pesticides or any other chemical compounds would therefore be a real mistake, as these often dangerous chemicals would also find their way into the body and could cause known long-term damage. Opting for an organic tea is therefore essential for preserving your health.

Chill & Relax herbal tea: composition and benefits of this blend of organic ingredients

Chill & Relax herbal tea is made from ingredients you've no doubt already encountered or even used in your kitchen. Linden blossom, verbena and peppermint are the main components of this must-have herbal tea. Each of these ingredients, when consumed regularly and properly, has numerous benefits for the body, as follows:

  • Lime blossom: this ingredient has many health benefits. When used regularly in the form of herbal tea, it represents an excellent treatment for stress, anxiety, restlessness and sleep disorders. Linden blossom helps regulate blood pressure, especially in cases of hypertension. Many phytotherapy professionals recommend this flower to relieve digestive disorders and facilitate weight-loss diets;
  • Vervain: this is a widespread plant whose soothing effects are beyond doubt. Vervain calms the nerves by acting directly on the central nervous system. This anti-stress plant is also recommended for hormonal regulation and menstrual cycle problems. Painful, irregular or heavy periods: vervain-based herbal tea will do you good;
  • Peppermint: widely used in phytotherapy, this effective plant both dried and fresh has numerous benefits for the digestive and urinary systems. Rich in antioxidants, it is also recommended for its decongestant properties.

Chill & Relax herbal tea, as its name suggests, will help you fight stress for a zen state and better health.

What are the preparation steps for your herbal tea?

To prepare this relaxing organic herbal tea successfully, we recommend using water boiling at around 100°C. Use special utensils for the preparation. Be sure to use clean utensils reserved for the preparation of tea or herbal tea, so as not to alter its taste. Then simply remove the water from the heat, add 2 teaspoons of herbal tea and leave to infuse for 7 to 10 minutes. This time will release all the assets you need to free yourself from angst, stress and anxiety.

Lime blossom* (64%), verbena*, mint* (16%), whole verbena*, whole peppermint* (5%).

*Organically grown

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