Mumbai Chai Rooibos Organic image
Mumbai Chai Rooibos Organic image
Mumbai Chai Rooibos Organic image
Mumbai Chai Rooibos Organic image

Mumbai Chai Rooibos Organic


Mumbai Chai Rooibos Organic is an absolutely delicious tea scented with spices. Entirely organically grown, your tea is 59% rooibos. Rooibos comes to us from South Africa, where the herbal tea obtained by infusing its fermented leaves is highly prized. Rooibos is said to have numerous virtues: it can combat insomnia, asthma, allergies, oxidative stress and even degenerative diseases. The spices used with rooibos to make Mumbai Chai Rooibos Organic also have numerous digestive, antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties. So don't wait any longer to treat yourself to all the pleasure and well-being this beverage has to offer. Follow our advice to make the most of it.

How to prepare and enjoy Mumbai Chai Rooibos Bio?

Mumbai Chai Rooibos Bio contains no caffeine or theine and can be drunk at any time of day, by adults, children or even pregnant women. This tea is not difficult to prepare. You need around 2 g per 100 ml of water heated to 95°. The infusion can last between 7 and 10 minutes.

Rooibos naturally has an excellent taste. If you prepare it without sugar, you'll be delighted by its slightly sweet, nutty flavor. In fact, it's customary to drink it plain. However, despite the many spices that make up your Mumbai Chai Rooibos, it's perfectly acceptable to add a sweetening substance or milk: this will bring out the aromas of the spices even more.

Be careful not to drink your Mumbai Chai Rooibos too hot!

According to some scientific studies, it could be risky to drink your tea too hot. Not only is it not very pleasant and doesn't allow you to enjoy your drink as much as you'd like, but there's also a risk of developing esophageal cancer. This risk is multiplied by 5 in those who smoke or drink alcohol regularly. At what temperature should you consider your tea too hot? Scientists advise you to avoid consuming your beverage above 65 degrees. Of course, if it's not hot enough, it can also be unpleasant. To avoid burning your tongue and risking esophageal cancer, without losing the pleasure of drinking tea, you should ideally take it at a temperature of between 48 and 60°. This means that once you pour in the boiling water, you should take the trouble to wait a little: only 6 to 10 minutes is enough for this.

Natural rooibos* (59%), cinnamon sticks*, ginger*, fennel*, anise*, cloves*, cardamom*, ground cardamom*.

*Organic origin

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