Throat Honey
Throat Honey

Throat Honey


Tisane for respiratory system

This herbal tea for example in addition to having a delicious scent of flowers and honey provides relief to the’respiratory system by giving a feeling of well-being.

balance 4-5 g/cup temperature 90°-100° time 5-10 min


Throat Myel - Herbal Herbal Tea

Sometimes very little is needed to take care of one's wellbeing, for example, for an annoying sore throat or for testy coughs we usually tend to take, sometimes very superficially, lozenges and other medicines, while discarding the idea of a healthy natural remedy. This tisana for example besides having a delicious scent of flowers and honey provides relief to the respiratory system by giving a feeling of well-being. In fact, its ingredients help reduce inflammation and soothe the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, calming cough and localized discomfort in the throat. Rich in vitamins and minerals, it strengthens the immune system and is recommended for dealing with ailments during seasonal changes. Mild, balsamic and honey-like aroma


Ingredients: Blackberry leaves, anise, fennel, raspberry leaves, strawberry leaves, hazelnut leaves, calendula flowers, rosehip peel, sunflower flowers, plantain leaves, rose petals, lemon balm, apple, elderberry ebb, aroma, peppermint



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