Puer Sheng Tea (raw) Nuo Mi Xiang Mini Tuocha
Puer Sheng Tea (raw) Nuo Mi Xiang Mini Tuocha
Puer Sheng Tea (raw) Nuo Mi Xiang Mini Tuocha
Puer Sheng Tea (raw) Nuo Mi Xiang Mini Tuocha
Puer Sheng Tea (raw) Nuo Mi Xiang Mini Tuocha
Puer Sheng Tea (raw) Nuo Mi Xiang Mini Tuocha

Puer Sheng Tea (raw) Nuo Mi Xiang Mini Tuocha

Tea Soul

The Puer Sheng (raw) Nuo Mi Xiang Mini Tuocha tea comes in a format that may seem a bit strange to us but is quite common in China and is called Tuo. This word meansbowl in Chinese and stands for the shape the leaves of this tea take when pressed.

The advantages offered by the format of this product are: greater ease of transport, always having a convenient single dose already ready to use on hand, and, most importantly, ensuring favorable conditions for the puer to continue to ripen its flavors as it ages.

Thou, given its many advantages, is also produced in much larger formats than this product. In some cases, one can even find Tuo weighing a kilogram or more.

To better understand this product, it is necessary to delve into the area of origin of its leaves since, in most cases, it is the place of origin itself that gives the tea its name and main organoleptic qualities.

This puer, specifically, is composed mainly of the crop made in the mountainous area around the city of Menghai in the western part of Xishuangbanna Autonomous Prefecture, south of Yunnan.

In addition to the camellia leaves, during the pressing of Puer Sheng (raw) Nuo Mi Xiang Mini Tuocha Tea, leaves of this aromatic herb called Nuo Mi Xiang were added, which are one of the classic natural elements used in China to flavor a product.

The presence of Nuo Mi Xiang capable of giving a very savory and slightly umami taste, similar to that of rice starch, will be immediately evident on the palate. This herb, at the same time, is also capable of activating and extending some of the main characteristics of Puer Sheng. In particular, of the latter, the slightly spicy herbal notes and the lingering sweet aftertaste will be more noticeable.

This flavored variant of puer can be very useful in familiarizing oneself with sheng since some of the bitter and tannic traits of this tea that are more difficult to appreciate at a first taste are greatly mitigated.

We encourage you to try other products flavored in this way such as Puer Shu (cooked) Rose Mini Tuocha Tea.

Tasting - Sight and Smell

The puer sheng Nuo Mi Xiang tea comes in the format of a small tuocha, with leaves and stems compressed loosely and a melange of colors reminiscent of a forest thicket: from brown and chestnut hues to beige and ochre, with a few bright green leaves. On the nose, the brew exudes a sweetish scent reminiscent of dried hay and honey, as well as more vegetal notes of lichen and moss and a final hint of incense. The liquor is amber-colored, slightly opaque given the brittleness of the compressed leaves, which release some dust in the water.

Tasting Notes

The first infusion of puer sheng Nuo Mi Xiang tea is vegetal, with vegetal hints of dry hay mixed with the sweetness of wild honey. With subsequent infusions, notes of grains such as cooked oats and malt first appear, for an evolution that then brings out fresher, more resinous hints with delicate incense notes typical of a puer sheng. The body is medium, the astringency mild and the persistence long and sweetish, with a finish of dried field grasses and cereals.

Location of origin

Menghai Region, Yunnan - China


After harvesting, the leaves of Puer Sheng (raw) Nuo Mi Xiang Mini Tuocha Tea are left to wither in the sun for a certain amount of time depending on the producer before going through the "green killing" stage, which is purportedly similar to that used to produce green teas.

The special feature, in this case, lies in not heating the leaves as much as is done for a green tea so that certain enzymes capable of modifying flavors over time are preserved.

Once cooked, the leaves are allowed to rest overnight before concluding the sun-drying process. At this stage the product is called maocha and is ready to be (eventually) pressed in order to obtain the best conditions for transportation and aging.

To press the leaves they are combined with Nuo Mi Xiang leaves and passed through a strong jet of steam for a few seconds so that they are made soft on the outside and, subsequently, are collected in a sock or sack that will give the product its shape, usually discoidal.

To ensure that this structure remains fixed over time the sack is left for hours under a stone or mechanical press while the leaves lose that residual moisture taken up by the steam in the previous step.

Method of infusing Puer Sheng (raw) Nuo Mi Xiang Mini Tuocha Tea

We strongly recommend infusing Puer Sheng (raw) Nuo Mi Xiang Mini Tuocha Tea in the traditional Chinese method (Gong Fu Cha) with a Gaiwan with a capacity of about 150 ml. By following this preparation, multiple infusions can be made with 1 Tuo useful to best taste all the flavors of the tea.

After a quick rinse of the leaves with water at a temperature of 90°C, an initial infusion of 15 seconds can be made, and then, keeping the water at the same temperature, the product can be continued to be exploited by adding more to water and increasing the previous infusion time by about 5 seconds (15 - 20 - 25...).

For a more traditional preparation according to the Western style, we recommend half a Tuo in a 200 ml cup with water at 90°C for an infusion time of 2 1/2 minutes.

For a better tasting experience, we suggest that you strain the infusion as soon as the established steeping time is over. Our suggested infusion timings, however, can also be slightly modified to your liking to achieve a more or less intense taste.

We recommend storing in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

Benefits of Puer Sheng Tea (raw)

Puer Sheng Teas (raw) generally provide a pleasant relaxing effect and a moderate caffeine content.

In comparison with other teas with an arousing effect (such as green teas) these Puer teas usually have a more gradual impact over time. They are therefore good for promoting concentration for longer periods than other teas.

Puer Sheng (raw) teas also give the brew a good amount of antioxidants but, because of its caffeine content, we urge, especially more sensitive people, to consume them in moderation.

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