Puer Sheng (raw) tea Ba Ka Nan 50gr
Puer Sheng (raw) tea Ba Ka Nan 50gr
Puer Sheng (raw) tea Ba Ka Nan 50gr

Puer Sheng (raw) tea Ba Ka Nan 50gr

Tea Soul

The puer sheng Ba Ka Nan tea is easily divided into small single-serving segments for a carefree tea break. It is puer sheng, "raw," meaning it is left to ferment and mature naturally: during this process, the tea's flavor profile is refined and enriched with aromatic notes. This tea is composed of pressed leaves from the mountainous area around the city of Menghai in southern Yunnan.

Tasting - Sight and Smell

Ba Ka Nan puer sheng tea is presented as a tablet portioned into very compact squares, consisting of dark green and charcoal gray whole leaves mixed with numerous beige and silver buds, covered with soft pekoe. When infused, the wet leaves release sweet, almost candy-like aromas with notes of quince and pear nectar and an empyreumatic background scent reminiscent of burnt dry wood. The liquor is transparent, pale yellow tending to pink in the first infusions, to take on a warmer, brighter tone on the gold-orange in the later infusions.

Tasting Notes

The first infusion of puer sheng Ba Ka Nan tea has shy notes of leather and bark, with a soft body that envelops the palate. With subsequent infusions it gains character and interesting hints of goat's milk emerge, then transform into notes of resin, ripe pear and wild flowers-a truly remarkable evolution. In the last infusions the tea is fragrant and fruity, with aromatic notes of mountain herbs, fresh and slightly bitter. The persistence is long, fruity and herbaceous together. A tea to be discovered in gaiwan shade after shade, it holds so many infusions and is at its best around the third and fourth extraction.

Location of origin

Menghai, Yunnan, China


We strongly recommend infusing puer Sheng Ba Ka Nan tea in the traditional Chinese method (Gong Fu Cha) with a gaiwan with a capacity of about 150 ml. By following this preparation, multiple infusions can be made with 5 grams of leaves that are useful for best capturing all the flavor nuances of the tea.

Heat the water to a temperature of 90°C: proceed to briefly rinse the leaves and then to an initial 15-second infusion. Keeping the water at the same temperature, you can then continue to exploit the same leaves by adding more water and increasing the infusion time by 5 seconds each time (15 - 20 - 25...).

This tea has a longevity of about 8 infusions.

For a more classic preparation in the Western style, we recommend 2.5 grams of leaves in a 200 ml cup with water at 90°C for an infusion time of 2 minutes.

For a better tasting experience, we suggest that you strain the tea as soon as the infusion time is over. The infusion times we suggest can be slightly modified to your liking to achieve a more or less intense taste.

We recommend storing in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

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