Winter Chimney Cinnamon and Vanilla Rooibos Tea image
Winter Chimney Cinnamon and Vanilla Rooibos Tea image
Winter Chimney Cinnamon and Vanilla Rooibos Tea image

Winter Chimney Cinnamon and Vanilla Rooibos Tea


Fireplace Cinnamon and Vanilla Winter Rooibos Tea in resealable, aroma-saving 50g pouch.


Features: Rooibos infusion is made by infusing the leaves of the Aspalathus Linearis shrub, a plant that grows only in South Africa.The plant is a medium-sized, bushy-looking shrub with long, slender branches. The narrow, elongated leaves are then harvested and dried to produce this tasty drink.

✔ Properties: Cinnamon antiseptic and antispasmodic, helps the stomach, and thanks to the sweetness of vanilla relaxes the body and mind. Great to enjoy on cold winter evenings.

✔ Ingredients:Rooibos Super Grade, flavoring, rose petals, cinnamon pieces, ALMOND, orange peel, orange pieces, apple, cloves, rose rose buds, bourbon vanilla.

✔ Infusion temperature 100° C

✔ Dosage per liter 15-20 gr / per 200 ml cup 3.2- 4 gr

Infusion time 7-10 minutes

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