Fireplace Cinnamon and Vanilla Winter Rooibos Tea in resealable, aroma-saving 50g pouch.
✔ Features: Rooibos infusion is made by infusing the leaves of the Aspalathus Linearis shrub, a plant that grows only in South Africa.The plant is a medium-sized, bushy-looking shrub with long, slender branches. The narrow, elongated leaves are then harvested and dried to produce this tasty drink.
✔ Properties: Cinnamon antiseptic and antispasmodic, helps the stomach, and thanks to the sweetness of vanilla relaxes the body and mind. Great to enjoy on cold winter evenings.
✔ Ingredients:Rooibos Super Grade, flavoring, rose petals, cinnamon pieces, ALMOND, orange peel, orange pieces, apple, cloves, rose rose buds, bourbon vanilla.
✔ Infusion temperature 100° C
✔ Dosage per liter 15-20 gr / per 200 ml cup 3.2- 4 gr
✔ Infusion time 7-10 minutes